Monday, February 15, 2010


This song deals with the role of education. Is it just to pump us full of facts, or to challenge us to critical thinking? When education is just teaching to the test then it becomes dull and uninspiring. But education may open you up to new possibilities within yourself. Does Latin or Astronomy have anything to do with who you are as a person? I never understood English until I took Latin. I never understood myself, much less God, until I seriously studied theology.
Read LUKE 2:41-52 for the story of the young Jesus in the temple. The 4th Commandment calls us to honor father and mother. Jesus ignored father and mother on the trip home from Jerusalem to the point of their scared concern, but then is amazed that they could not understand that he must be "about my Father's business." What role does "those in authority" play in helping or hindering your process to self-awareness and discovery?
Think about your own Sunday School or, especially, catechetical (confirmation class) instruction. If it was a good experience for you, it may have a positive impact on your faith development. If it was a bad experience for you, it my have turned you off completely to any faith development. I once had a student in confirmation class who never returned to class or to church after he didn't get the bike for Christmas that he had been praying for. We didn't study the Lord's Prayer soon enough for him!
Jesus debating with the teachers in the temple seemed to be saying, "Just watch me! One day all will know." Do you feel like the circumstance of growth and life are holding you back? The powerful message of the ministry of Jesus had to wait about 18 more years before he was mature and wise enough to be able to share it with the world.
"I'm calling," cries out Melchior. Is anybody listening to you as you call out for true learning and for someone to take you and your ideas seriously? What are you calling out for the world to know about you?

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Sunday School & Confirmation:

    Sunday School was a dry experience for me. Year after year we’d go over the same lessons, answer the same questions at the back of the lesson book and do memory work out of the catechism without any attempt to learn what it really meant to us. Confirmation instruction seemed to be a memorization of a bunch of rules and bible passages. When I was a teenager, I interpreted scripture exactly as it was written. I took a lot of things out of context and really thought I was going to hell. I thought to myself, “If God is the loving God he professes to be, why is he condemning me like this? It made no sense.
