James Slater Let's also share
discussion and questions. I'm participating, sometimes leading, a Bible study
on Luke right now. Chapter 4: the Mount of Precipitation is just outside of
Nazareth where they attempted to throw Jesus over the edge. What were his
townfolk so upset about!
Deb Diamante That local brat who
thinks he's too good for his hometown
James Slater Chapter 6: 1) Why don't
Christians worship on the Sabbath Day. 2) Disciples - what about Levi,
Thaddeus, Nathaniel.
Deb Diamante What about the women?
James Slater There were, of course,
no women among "The Twelve," but women were certainly Followers of
Jesus and some of the most influential apostles.
James Slater Chapter 6 cont.: 1) How
are the Beatitudes from Luke's Sermon on the Plain different from Matthew's
Sermon on the Mount. 2) Hey! Wait a minute! That's not an answer to the
question! 3) "And so castles made of sand fall into the see;
eventually" Jimi Hendrix. Comments!
Rosemarie Cronan ?1). Jesus is
chastised for healing shriveled mans hand on Sabbath going against law &
traditions. Jesus refuses to let tradition interfere with compassion for needy
folk. 2. Beatitude difference. Jesus adds a woe to you. 3. Jimmy Hendrix: those…See More
James Slater Thanks for sharing,
James Slater Chapter 7: Jesus to
Roman official, "Never even in Israel, have I seen such faith." Jesus
to woman at Simon's house, "Your faith has made you well, go in
peace." What does such faith mean to you. (Sorry, the question mark
doesn't work on my keyboard)
Rosemarie Cronan James Slater Faith to me through the
years is equal to the Truth of Gods faithfulness in my life.
Rosemarie Cronan Upon further
reflection about the Sabbath, God instituted the Sabbath ( day of rest &
worship) for humans. God doesn’t need to rest, that’s why Jesus/God performed
healings & ministered in the Sabbath & Jewish leaders were furious
about it. Sabbath was ingrained in Law not Grace.
James Slater A Sabbath day of rest
and worship was a wonderful gift of God's grace. It however, became enshrined
in prohibitive laws which wound up perverting the gift.
1) Mary, Joanna, and Susanna - Yeah! They actually get named!
2) Is coconut cream pie the "just desserts" (St. Luke's Godspell) you deserve.
3) When Jesus called his disciples "ye of little faith" he wasn't criticising their faith, he was reminding them that a little faith is all that you need.
4) verse 30: The demons were "Legion." Good News Bible uses the word "Mob." Listen to "Demons" by Imagine Dragons.
1) What are your thoughts on Jesus knowing that he was going to die. How about knowing that he would also be raised.
2) Verses 54 & 55: Jesus is not interested in retaliation or vengeance. How does that instruct us.
3) What do you Jesus means by "let the dead bury their own dead."
1) What is your calling as a worker in the Lord's harvest.
2) Verse 15: I was very impressed by the ruins at Cafer Nahum, what we call Capernaum.
3) What joy in ministry do you have to share.
4) Good Samaritan is the name of our church in Las Vegas. It's mission is "to love God, love people, and make a difference."
1) Compare Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer with Matthew's. How are they similar and how are they different.
2) Share something about the power of prayer in your faith life.
3) Are we a nation divided. Are we divided in the Kingdom of God. How can unity be restored.
4) In what do you find true happiness.
5) "I can't see!" "Why not. What's the matter." "I have my hands over my eyes." (St. Luke's GODSPELL) What prevents you from seeing the Light.
1) "The Church is full of hypocrites." Does that truth drive you away from the institutional church or make even you feel welcome.
2) We all have worries. How do you deal with yours.
3) "For your heart will always be where your treasure is." Are you investing in what you love or loving what you invest in.
4) Keep awake and watch are Advent themes. What are you waiting for and are you alert enough to see it.
5) Is division sometimes necessary to reveal truth.
1) Why do bad things happen to good people! Calamity is not a sign of one's sinfulness; nor is prosperity a sign of one's faithfulness. It rains on the just and the unjust. In Christ Jesus, we, like the fig tree, are always given another chance.
2) With what simile would you use to describe the Kingdom of God.
3) The books of Hebrews tells us that Jesus Christ "is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow." So the love Jesus once expressed for Jerusalem is the same love expressed for Las Vegas, Valatie, or your home town. "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord" are the words sung as Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. So Jesus, today, can enter into your home and your heart.
1) The old adage is that Lutherans always sit in the back pew. Now many Lutherans and Christians have moved completely out of their sanctuaries. To all, the invitation is extended to move up to the front pews. There is plenty of room for all to return from the highways and byways. The banquet of the Lord is open for all.
1) "Lost & Found" parables: I see two points of emphasis. A) The effort expended by the one doing the searching (God) and B) the feasting and rejoicing of the community (Church).
2) As an oldest child, I have preferred to call the Parable of the Prodigal Son instead the Parable of the Prodigal Father. "Prodigal" = extravagant. The Father's love and forgiveness is extravagant to both the younger son and the older son.
1) How do you use your worldly possessions to serve God.
2) One of the most powerful verses in the Gospels: "If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead."
3) Is that referring to Lazarus (John 11) or Jesus!
1) Faith is a gift received undeserved at baptism. Faith as large as a mustard seed is all you need, but in what ways can your faith be increased even more.
2) Do we crave praise for that which is our duty and delight!
3) How can you make sure you are among the one out of ten who return to give thanks to Jesus.
4) "The Kingdom of God will come within you." That's a wonderful way to think about it!
1) Persistence, with humility and a child-like faith are better tools for getting through the "needle" gate; rather than wealth and status.
2) "Sir, I want to see again," said the blind man. "Then see!" said Jesus, "You have all the faith you need to be well." You do too!
1) One of my favorite Biblical riddles: "Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus because he was so short." Who was the short one, Zacchaeus or Jesus!
2) "Well done, good and faithful servant." Words that apply to Jesus as God's beloved Son are words that also will apply to us no matter how many gold coins we've had or how we've used them.
3) Luke's version of Palm Sunday -
- no palm branches, only cloaks
- If the disciples of Jesus were quiet, the very stones would cry out
- no overturned tables
4) People kept listening to Jesus because they didn't want to miss a single word. Are we listening this intently.
1) Jesus confronts the religious leaders; not just the Pharisees and teachers of the Law, but also the Sadducees, who do not advocate a resurrection of the dead. Does all this sound confusing. Jesus came to bring hope and peace; not to those certain in their own self-righteousness, but to those of us who are confused and wondering, yet hopeful, of our salvation.
1) As Pastor Scott Hove says, "God does not ask for 10%, God asks for everything." Like the woman who gave her last two coins, "mite" we live that faithfully too!
2) Signs of the times, over all the ages, lead not to fear, but to faith in the One about to give His life for All.
3) "Early each morning all the people went to the temple to listen to Jesus." He is still speaking to us today; let's meet at the "temple."
Incarnation: The Word is made flesh.
1) the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem's manger (Advent and Christmas)
2) the flesh and blood of Jesus resides in us (Holy Communion)
Immanuel: God with us; God within us.
From birth to death, of Jesus and of each of us, God's purpose is fulfilled. We celebrate the birth of Jesus, and each baby born, with the knowledge of the finiteness of human life; but also with the promise that sins are forgiven, death is defeated and eternal life in Paradise with Jesus awaits us.
In what ways has the risen Lord Jesus been made known to you. Do you see the Savior in the sweet, baby Jesus. In Old Testament scripture, we awaited the Messiah. In the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God is with us in human form. In the death and resurrection of Jesus, God's promise of eternal life is fulfilled. Through our baptism into Jesus' birth, death and resurrection we are welcomed into a family relationship with God. Finally, we await his return when all of creation will be united in God's everlasting love.
Thanks for reading. May God bless you with the gift of Christmas Love.
Comments are working.
ReplyDeleteWhen I worry I slowly breathe in and out the 23rd Psalm. It calms my heart.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent practice to follow.